Summer School 2022
This year, three of us attended the whole week at Summer School at Chester University. We arrived Sunday evening and headed for the student bar where we obtained the keys to our rooms and various other paraphernalia. The self-catering rooms were fairly reasonable but not in the same league as the 'standard' room Matt Pilott ended up with - still they were good enough.
Monday morning heralded the start of 5 days training with Takeshi Kanazawa Shihan, the representative of Hombu Dojo in Tokyo and the senior instructors from the BAF. The training was good as always and the air conditioning in one of the training halls gave some relief. The other hall was more challenging!
It was really good to see all the friendly faces among the Aikidoka following two 'fallow' years due to the covid pandemic.
I took Wednesday off and wandered through Chester city to take some photos and generally enjoy the warm weather but the other 4 days were 'full-on'.
Following a final class with Kanazawa Shihan, we witnessed the closing ceremony, sat for the group photograph and then took up the mats. That just left showering, packing and dropping off our room keys before the journey home courtesy of Matt Pilott who had agreed to drive this year - thank you Matt.